How to hire THE CAT

Now that your ready to hire us, let's get started! First, we'd like you to make some case notes by filling in the form below so that we may begin your case immediately (by the way, we hold ALL information you share with us as STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL!)

If you'd prefer, you may also call us during the day TOLL FREE at 1-800-SPY-TAPS (that's 1-800-779-8277)

Client Information:

Your Name in
Real Life(IRL):

e-mail address :
Daytime Ph #: 24HR Fax#:

Your Address:
Addrr line #2 :
City: State: Zip:

Tell us about this case:

Please state your Objective:
How much are you willing to spend with us to reach your objective?
$79 or less
$79 to $150
$150 to $300
Over $300 if necessary

What is the best time for our specialists to reach you to make payment arrangements or in case they have any questions about your case?
6-10am Central Daylight Time (CDT)
10am - 2pm Central Time
2 - 6pm Central Time
6 - 10pm Central Time

Tell us about your Subject:

Subject's Full Name:
also Known as (aka):
Maiden Name or
former Name (s) :

Current or Last known
Address (LKA):

Addrr line #2 :
City: State: Zip:
Date this address was still valid:
Their HM Ph #: Their WK #:

Date of Birth (DOB):
Social Security Number(SSN):
Drivers License (D/L):State:

Current Employer:
Known Relatives :

Last contact was made with this person (choose the best answer):
Within the last 30 days
In the last 1-6 months
Over 6 months ago
Over 5 years ago
I've never contacted this person

Other Helpful information about this person or your Objective:

Back to THE CAT Midwest's Home Page

If you have any questions or comments you may direct e-mail to us at:

Images and Content © Copyright 2000 THE CAT Midwest. All Rights Reserved
This Form last updated 6/2000